W. Robins Brice

Robins BriceAfter 34-plus years of litigation practice with Royston, Rayzor, Vickery & Williams, LLP, in Houston, in 2007 Robins Brice relocated his practice to the Caroline Center for Dispute Resolution in order to concentrate on providing mediation and arbitration services in Houston and other locations.

Since 2007, Robins has worked almost exclusively as a provider of neutral services, usually as a mediator but occasionally as an arbitrator or mock-trial arbitration consultant.  As a long-time consumer of mediation services, and more recently as an experienced provider of neutral dispute resolution services, Robins is committed to creating an impartial opportunity for the parties to explore settlement of their case. Not all cases ought to be settled, but most cases benefit from the mediation process. Those benefits can include testing the parties’ respective evaluations of claims and defenses, focusing the attention of the decision makers and the professionals on the details and risks of litigation, and giving the parties an opportunity to consider the realities of the evidence, the time and expense of getting to resolution, and their own respective interests in resolution as well as result.

Centrally Located in Houston’s Museum District – Convenient on-site, grade level parking provided, with easy freeway access nearby and prompt taxi service available.

Caroline Center for Dispute Resolution
4305 Yoakum Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77006
(Fax) 713.807.1709

Out-of-town work is available, usually with no charge for travel time or mileage expense, except that airfare or overnight expense will be treated as a disbursement and divided equally among the parties.